GameCo Marketing Recommendations


A video game company wants a descriptive analysis of game data to foster a better understanding of how new games might fare in the market.


Determine which games are most popular, if the popularity of specific game genres have changed over time, and if sales vary by geographical area.


GameCo sales in every geographical market have remained the same over time.


  • Grouping and Summarizing Data
  • Descriptive Analysis
  • Visualizing and Presenting Results


  • Excel


GameCo’s current marketing budget supports that video game sales have remained the same from 1980 to 2016. Nearly 50% the budget is focused on the North American market because historically that market has comprised 50% of all sales. GameCo assumes video game sales are strong and consistent.


Sales in different geographical markets have changed over time and consumers are buying fewer games overall, worldwide. Descriptive analysis indicates that video game sales have, in fact, dropped in all markets since 2008.

North American sales no longer dominate the market, and have changed in other geographical markets. Proportional analysis of video game sales illustrate that sales have dropped dramatically in North America, while they are growing in almost every other market. The Japanese market is “mirroring” the North American market. In 2016, European sales made up 37% of the market, while North American sales made up only 31% of the market.

Different genres also perform better than others in some markets. 49% of shooter games and 48% of sports games are sold in the North American market, while 45% of racing games are sold in the European market.


Sales data from 2008 illustrate changing, not stagnant, markets. Sales are highest now in Europe and Japan – these and the “other” markets are markets to watch. Look at sales by year to see changes over time. As geographical markets change, adjust marketing budgets accordingly. Genre also matters. For a better return on investment, focus on popular genres in each market.